Get 99 Lives
Press select to go to the inventory screen, then press square 6 times, then circle, up, circle, left, circle, right, circle, then select to go back into the game, and you lives will now go up to 99.
Extra Lives
Go to the inventory screen, press square 6 times, then press circle, up, circle, left, circle, right, circle. Then press the select button. This will return you to play and your lives will start climbing to 99.
Crash Bandicoot Warped secret demo
To unlock the secret playable demo of crash bandicoot WARPED hold L1 & triangle buttons at the new/ load game menu screen.
Level Select
During game play pause and go to the inventory screen. Now press Square, Square, Circle, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Up, Right, Down. When you go to a ballonist you’ll have access to all levels.